Get ready for our

From 24th to 26th November, 2023

We Always Give

Our Best Offer

13 Months Prepaid

Get ready for Black Friday! Purchase a 12-month prepaid subscription and enjoy: 1 FREE month, 10 buddy passes, a Latin Groove T-shirt, plus $25 for private lessons and $25 for Pro Dance Shoes. Elevate your dance journey now!

1O Intro Classes

If you always wanted to pick up dancing, this is the right time to do so, with our Black Friday sale, you can enjoy 10 intro level classes for only $49 . (10 classes to be used within 5 weeks).

6 Months Subscription

For all the passionate dancers out there, this offer is for you! A full unlimited 6 months of dancing and fitness classes for only $659. Do not miss this chance, this Black Friday sale is for 3 days only, from the 25th to the 27th of November 2022 (This deal can not be suspended, nor cancelled. All suscriptions are non refundable.)

We always offer our best deals

We are not done yet! We still have some amazing offers that you will definitely like. Take a look at our current offers and benefit from the ones that you like the most!

Discover the magic of Salsa and  Bachata with our special offer. Benefit from 7 intro classes for only 37$. (must be used within 5 weeks of the 1st class taken.) (105$ reg.)

$37 / 7 classes

Keep it moving with our Zumba/Fitness special offer and get 7 classes for 37$ only. (must be used within 5 weeks of the 1st class taken.) (105$ reg.)

$37 / 7 classes

We have wonderful courses every Tuesday for all of you Kizomba lovers. The style of dance that has taken over our hearts and bodies is here once a week, book your spot and enjoy our 37$ offer for 7 classes.

$37 / 7 classes

Don’t Believe Us Check What Our Clients Think Of Us

Join montreal’s best rated dance school where you can take salsa, bachata, kizomba, fitness classes and much more.


We Have Been Awarded Many Prizes Over The Years For The Best Dance School.


Please Visit Our “Frequently Asked Questions” Page For Inquiries You May Have.