
We Always Give

Our Best Offer

1 Month of Unlimited Intro Classes

Get ready for an exhilarating journey into dance! Dive into our exclusive offer available on November 27th.

Unlock access to a month of unlimited intro classes for just $79! Embrace the art of Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, or ZUMBA with this diverse range of introductory sessions. Start your dance adventure within a month of purchase, and immerse yourself in these engaging classes. Please note, this offer is non-refundable and non-transferable. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to step into the world of dance!

2 Private Classes + 10 á La Carte Classes

Unveiling an irresistible Cyber Monday deal on November 27th

Dive into a world of personalized learning with 2 private classes and 10 à la carte classes for just $219, saving you a remarkable $136! Embrace this unique opportunity to refine your skills under the guidance of our seasoned instructors: Chiharu, Nataly, Carlos, or Patrick. Make the most of this offer by utilizing all classes within one month of purchase. It’s essential to note that this offer is non-refundable and non-transferable. Elevate your dance journey with this exclusive package designed to enhance your skills and passion!

We always offer our best deals

We are not done yet! We still have some amazing offers that you will definitely like. Take a look at our current offers and benefit from the ones that you like the most!

Discover the magic of Salsa and  Bachata with our special offer. Benefit from 7 intro classes for only 37$. (must be used within 5 weeks of the 1st class taken.) (105$ reg.)

$37 / 7 classes

Keep it moving with our Zumba/Fitness special offer and get 7 classes for 37$ only. (must be used within 5 weeks of the 1st class taken.) (105$ reg.)

$37 / 7 classes

We have wonderful courses every Tuesday for all of you Kizomba lovers. The style of dance that has taken over our hearts and bodies is here once a week, book your spot and enjoy our 37$ offer for 7 classes.

$37 / 7 classes


Please Visit Our “Frequently Asked Questions” Page For Inquiries You May Have.


We Have Been Awarded Many Prizes Over The Years For The Best Dance School.